Just don't complain about the sticky gloss coating your tongue making bubbles hard to blow.I jumped into the fray in Fontana, CA, recently and walked into a "Grand Opening Sale" at a new card shop while in town. Big mistake.No bargain boxes full of needed cards.No glass cases full of awesome cards.No mystery bags full of 1994 Fleer and 92 Donruss.Just loads and loads of Dodgers cards and stuff. Raiders cards and stuff. USC stuff. Angels stuff and a few cards.It felt like I walked into a love fest for my former NL West opponents and anything SoCal related. But no Padres stuff for some reason.Seeing the disappointed look upon my red cheeked face, the behind the counter help (think way too hot Mexican girl for a card shop) asked if she could help. I said nice store, but no Reds cards in view. With a smile she pointed to a dark dusty corner. Feeling like Ohio Joe on a quest for the Crystal Reds Cards, I smiled and stumbled over. Freekin Dodgers throw rugs. Who buys anything Dodgers? People too ashamed to admit they are A's fans? Just guessin.Behold the power unleashed when the box was shown the light of day!
2000 Topps Gold Label
Class 1
No. 33 Barry LarkinIt looks like he is gazing upon another homer like I gaze upon him.
No. 41 Calvin "Pokey" ReeseOverRATED!
Clap! Clap! ClapClapClap!
No. 50 Ken Griffey Jr.Look at the smile as he trots into the outfield during a "
down year" in 2000.
How I wish I had the magical home run power of the backwards Reds cap.
No. 58 Sean CaseyThe only known photo of The Mayor not puffing his cheeks after a hit combined with the puffed cheeks photo. Classic!
But what else did the Box of Crystal Reds cards hold?2000 Topps Gold Label
Class 2
No. 33 Barry LarkinMaking an All-Time Greats caliber throw to Casey at first for a sure out against the Marlins.
No. 41 Calvin "Pokey" ReeseLooking for a way to block any trades that make the Reds better.

No. 50 Ken Griffey Jr.
It may be Spring Training but he looks good while fielding.
No. 58 Sean CaseyThe Mayor! What more needs to be said?
But what dangers lurk in the back of the box?2000 Topps Gold Label
Class 3
No. 33 Barry LarkinThe danger of being mobed at the plate by the Reds and plowed by the Mayor on
May 7, 1999.
No. 41 Calvin "Pokey" ReeseThe danger of playing for the Pirates soon.
No. 50 Ken Griffey Jr.The danger of overextending the tongue to the point of damaging a hamie.
No. 58 Sean CaseyThe Mayor! What more needs to be said? Especially on
May 7, 1999!
And as a bonus I found this card:
The Treasury
T1 Ken Griffey Jr.
JOOOOOOOOONYAAAAAAAAAAA!Not only was I able to get the full run of 2000 Gold Label for under 4 dollars and change but I got a great insert with a gap under the name and card bottom. What up wit dat? I wonder if I
fold it like a dollar bill if I can see Wrigley Field burning after another Cubs choke on the back?
And I got a Dodger throw rug. For the dog to sleep on.