1981 Topps Reds Team Set
Monday, June 30, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Brads Random Red #54

Another plain base card of Harang? Yup! Spectrum was a pretty good release in 07. Diamond patters rock! LOL
Brads Random Red #53

Yup, a plain ol' boring base card. I really like this one though. Big fan of the Topps Chrome series. Really makes the plain Topps cards POP!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Magenta Harang Plate 2
Not sure what happened in shipping of this plate. The smear looks worse on the scan than on the plate.
I have the press plate of this card but not the card itself so I cannot talk about how good it looks. That is a given with the fact it is a member of the Vaunted Cincinnati Reds.
Mater of the Mound.
Strikeout Artist.
Thrower of Radio Balls.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Harang Week Kicks Off
The glove hand dead center.
The shoulders square.
The left foot planted for maximum torque.
The grip on the sure fire strike coming at Ryan Howard.
You gotta appreciate the fact that Aaron Harang is pictured in action and not looking like a Hollywood monster on any Topps card.
I was able to get this for about twelve dollars on ebay a few weeks ago thanks to my little lady keeping an eye out for me while I was on the road.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Brads Random Red #52

And off the top ropes is another boring Bam Bam. Many people love this set as its popular on the Bench but I hate it! Just a touche' to the Mouth of the South ~

Friday, June 20, 2008
Bam Bam Club Bad Cards!
looks harmless in this:

10 / 15
But Dunn wields that bat like a
steel chair in the hands of this man:

Bam Bam takes that bat to the bodies
of all those with the Ultimate Braddior.
With the backing of The Donkey Punch Express and
Crazy Eyes Claussen's Fast Ball Claw
he has nothing to fear.
Not even a twenty foot aluminum ladder swung
by the Hulkster can stop the
Smackdown on Braddiors /99 cards.
The carnage as the Kearns Spectrum Patch
card holds up a hand to plead for mercy.
Kick to the shoulder.
Griffey's SPx card tries to slide under
the bottom rope.
Leg grabbed by the Big Donkey.
Griff's hat knocked forward by the
club Bam Bam wields with .250 avg. skills
and 40+ home run power.
Boone cries as Crazy Eyes and Bam Bam
team up on him in the corner.
One devestating body slap afer another.
All I have to say Jimmy is that it's over.
Brads55's mom is singing.
The Ultimate Braddior can take out
all those patches and try to plug the wounds.
Cause that's all he can do while Bam Bam,
The Donkey Punch Express and Crazy Eyes Claussen
celebrate as the confetti rains down on them.
And Mouth of the South Salt Lake
celebrates his first Smackdown victory.
Brads Random Red #51

The two super powers form an unstoppable duo known only as the Cincywhackers. Here you have the incredible Reflections set with two different color parallels that have the same print run of 99? Yup, oddly enough a true statement! So the double clothesline, a bite in the ass, tip toe over to a bite in yer nose, watch for the flying elbow, to the running head battering ram and the double knee drop! Thats a 1-2-3. Whatcha got now Mouth?
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Brads Random Rant #8
It's the Donkey Punch Express!

Hoooo Myyyyyyyyyyyyy!
It's the tag team combo of the Donkey Punch Express!
Dunn takes on one time mentor Griffey!

Gold Refractor
43 / 49
The Mayor takes on dark sider Kearns!

Gold Refractor
14 / 49
Dunn and Casey show no indication that they are gonna take it easy on the Pork Chop Express.
Both Griff and Kearns are down in the middle of the ring!
What's this!!!!!!!
The Donkey Punch Express are climbing all 4 feet to the top of the chain link fence!
It's a massacre!
Kearns is lying still.
Griffey is moving a little!
Only one thing to say as the
Donkey Punch Express dances around
a cold cocked Griffey / Kearns combo
and a stunned Boone:
Brads Random Red #50

Yup, its exactly as it looks. Kearns just couldn't take the fact that Claussen is on his team so after a short deliberation with the Warrior (and a paid vacation of course) he trades over to dark side! As a matter of fact, when The Mouth of the South Salt Lake reads this it will be news to him as well. SO EAT THAT JIMMY!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Brads Random Rant #7
Brads Random Red #49

What's this folks? Boone tags in Griffey to take on Austin Kearns? What is this madness? Well its a BEAUTY of a Patch with 5 Color Breaks in total. And its also numbered /99. Ultimate Braddior will have another post tonight to take on that sucka from anotha motha Claussen! Claussen??? Yeah, a 1/1. But come on.... Claussen??? I just threw up in my mouth a little. And magenta? Jimmy, the Sissy, Hart!
After some detective work and a Scooby Snack
It seems my fellow bloggers are up in arms over
supposed "SP" and wrong player madness with Topps.
Or them just screwing with set builders and team collectors.
Well feast your eyes on this:

No. 101 Carl Willis
Seems someone from Topps found a street urchin
wandering around outside Ed Smith Stadium.
Not only that but it appears said "player" has
worn the jersey for so long all plastic lettering has come off
and the hat is changing colors. And shrunk.
Notice we are not subject to the blue jean shorts
said "player" is wearing.
Why is that Topps? Why is that?!
This ranks right up there with the "Batboy" card.
Shame on you Topps.
Another card from The Bench Traders.
Thanks to The Bench
Today's lesson was:
Add Jeff Spicoli and a stoner van


and you have:

All Kelly needs is a cool diamond and a tasty hot dog.
It looks like Mr. Paris spent a little too much time at the Van Halen concert with Jeff after helping save Brooke Shields from drowning and not enough paying attention to Mr. Hand.
Can You Smell What the Rat is Cooking!
Off the caution barricade!
The crazy eyes of Claussen!
The "Fast Ball Claw"
Fear the Claw! Fear it Braddior!
How much more punishment can Aaron take?
The above card was provided by
the Mouth of the South Salt Lake's Fan Section on the Bench Trading.
Thanks to all the people who parted ways with their
cardboard treasures to help me rebuild.
There will be some more cards in the beatdown of ht e Braddior coming!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The Mouth Brings It!
From out of no where! Can you believe it?!
The Ultimate Braddior is in serious trouble!

Austin Kearns
Winning Materials Rare Patch Parallel 1
WM-AK 94 / 99
The card you didn't expect!
Bam! Boone is head butted into the corner!
Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!
How can Boone take the
punishment from a three dollar card?
No! Not the Atomic Piledriver!
Wait! It's the Junk Yard Dog Thump!
It's a slaughter!
Kids are crying! Red's fans are in shock!
Who will come to the battered Boone's defense?
Is there a card that is man enough
to take on the Killer K's?
The Mouth of the South Salt Lake is loving the rampage.
Shout Out to My Bloggin Homie
I know! I know!
"Joe. This is a baseball card blog! What up with the football cards?"
This man among football card collectors sent me this:

Doooooooooooooooooossssssssssssss McAllister
Genuine Article Insider
Game Used Jersey
I didn't know what was better. Remembering watching Deuce break one or the thousands of fans singing along to the Popeye's commercials in the Dome.
Love that Chicken from Popeye's.
Love that chicken from Pop ha ha highs!
Thanks Tony! Great blog and keep it up.

Brads Random Red #48

Go Hard or Go Home??? Well I wasn't sure when I was gonna break this bad boy out but here you go. I present to you one of my very favorite Patches in my collection! Now most of my corner patches I consider kind of lame as it shows more jersey than patch. But this one and its Red Patch with a White Outline and a Red Stripe to boot. Simply breathtaking!
Mahalo and Aloha, Ultimate Braddior
Monday, June 16, 2008
Big Card. Small Number.
There will be tears.
There will be Reds cards.
You take two of the premier (at least I am)
Reds collectors and put them in this:

toughest cardsnumbered to 99 or less.
The first pugilist in this
War by the Shore (of the Great Salt Lake) is:

Star Materials Patch / Autograph
4 / 5
That's right fans!
Number four.
The multi-color patch taken off the jersey of the man who makes Braves stop at first and shake their heads. Cause any other right fielder and it would have been a stand up double. Triple if the guys nickname is Frenchy.
The signature that flows. Large A.Small u. The swooping T. Large K. Then the superstar squiggle line to end it all.
So. What you got Brad? What Chihuahua of a card do you have that can stack up to the powerhouse I, Joe "Mouth of the South Salt Lake" Cuevas, has unleashed in this epic battle of Reds cards?
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Brads Random Red #47

I'm also a big fan of the Metal Universe series! Even the base cards look sweet!
Mahalo and Aloha, Brad
Brads Random Red #46

I really like this design. Very nostalgic!
Mahalo and Aloha, Brad
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Brads Random Red #45

Yeah, I know. Only base cards here. But I was finally able to put together the set and thought I'd post them up. I think they should do this with several players today that have had many years in the bigs! Quick, someone call Upper Deck!
Mahalo and Aloha, Brad
Friday, June 13, 2008
Brads Random Red #44

I absolutely love the Nth degree parallels. Better than a refractor if you ask me ... any day!
Mahalo and Aloha, Brad
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Brads Random Red #43

Joe Loves them Sean Casey's so here ya go buddy! I'm not expecting you back on the site until the 15th so I'll hold the fort in the meanwhile! And since Joe had mentioned he likes the special moniker added to the Austin Kearns he has I thought you readers might appreciate this. I won't post the pic on this site in respect to Joe talkin' trash when he gets back so here's a link to it. It's a beauty and well worth the look. Dennis Eckersley Auto w/ "92 CY/MVP" also inscribed under his signature. Glad to be back everybody!
Mahalo and Aloha, Brad
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Joe Likey
I saw this one:
and had to get it. It has a good overall design. The colors work well. It's kind of hard to mess up Black and White. But throw in a dash of Reds and you have an award winner. Simple. Yet effective. A large enough area for an on card signature with the players name faded. I like that. But when was the last time you saw an inscription? Besides the nickname sets I can't really remember any. And that is what makes this card not an average, shiny card. I have yet to figure out what the 27 RBI and 5 / 03 mean but it must be good if Upper Deck wanted it on there.
Don't get me wrong. I like sticker autos as well. Just not enough rom on most for the signature and something like this.
Brads Random Red #42

Well Sorry for such a long hiatus and I hope you enjoyed my come back! Wouldn't have gone so extreme and spent 2-3 hours on this (finding, pulling, scanning, photobucketing, blogging, phew-ing) if it weren't for Joe calling me out on having to post my boy for his accomplishment. Especially since I haven't done so already! So what I chose to do is gone through all of my non-g/u and autos and selected some of my favorite Griffey's for each year to spotlight his journey. I'm not allowed to post cards of that Seattle based team or I'd have spotlighted each year of his journey (and this is the first and last time I'll thank you for that, cause I'm beat lol). I hereby pledge to try to the best of my ability to post a card a night as often as possible.
Mahalo and Aloha, Brad