Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hot off the press!

That's right. A genuine press plate.
This is a 2005 Finest Magenta Press Plate
1 / 1 of Austin Kearns

This one is a little different from most press plates in that it has a cardboard wrap over it.
This protects it from scratches and chips. i also like how it adds some color to an otherwise bland looking piece of metal. When I was 12 I worked with my grandfather making plaques and we did this type of plate making. They scratch easily.
I hear a lot of grumbling from fellow collectors about press plates. They are just something else for the companies to make money off of. I would never buy that. They are ugly. It's just a piece of trash they did not throw away.
I don't care. These are fun to track down. They are unique. This is what made the piece of cardboard you just bought. What made the card you enjoy of your favorite player. They are cheap for a 1 / 1 type card.
This one shows Austin slapping a frozen rope to left off of Schilling to drive in Dunn for the win. The smooth swing. The confident release of the bat.


hartmanj said...

That's a good idea.

--David said...

Now, that is cool! I love 'oddball' things like this, and now I will ave to try and pull some press plates for my Tribe collection! :-)

Anonymous said...

I agree on the press plates - I like 'em. Especially if you are lucky enough to track down a complete set.

Anonymous said...

I have still never pulled a printing plate. Someday, though.